What Is a Routine?
A routine can be defined as a sequence of actions regularly followed. A routine can be something we do over and over again, but little routines throughout our day can create an overall picture that we identify as our daily routine. Often we get busy with day to day life and don’t have the time to think about the changes we could be making to our routines.
Why Is It Important?
The real power in routines is the way they can help us build momentum and prioritise our lives. They say it takes 21 days to form a habit. Daily routines can soon become a habit, so getting your routine right from the get go is vital. Bringing structure to your life increase your efficiency, benefits mental health and helps you sleep and relax.
Does Your Routine Push You Closer to Your Goals?
To reach new goals, and develop new habits, it’s necessary to create new routines to support your objectives. Think about training for a marathon. It takes real determination to get up at 6am and go for a run, or fit in training sessions between the day job, but once you begin to reap the benefits of a consistent routine, the reward will push your self-determination. Figuring out your routine is a very personal process, there is no right or wrong way to go about your day, but finding what works best for you is the ultimate goal to feel the fulfilment.
How Do I Achieve This?
1. Consistency is key. A consistent routine allows you the power to break larger tasks into much smaller elements. This time saving approach through creating consistency reduces stress as the bigger goal doesn’t seem so far away. So start by breaking down your day into one hour slots, and then those one hour slots into 10 minute segments. This helps you to prioritise tasks and achieve them by being less overwhelmed.
2. Remove bad habits with ease. Forming new routines allows you to dismiss those bad habit that were not adding anything to your productivity, but that seemed to creep into your daily life unnoticed. The takeaway lunches, waiting for the lift rather than using the stairs, too much screen time at night or just not being present in the moment when you really need to be. Altering how you respond to certain situations is the beginning process of creating a routine that works for you.
3. Be prepared. Being prepared is one side of achieving a consistent routine. Whether that’s making sure you have a healthy lunch prepared for the next day or laying out your gym clothes the night before. It’s all about making the process easy for yourself and creating the incentives that will keep you on the right track.