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Volunteer for Bookmark

A glimpse into being a Bookmark Volunteer

At Cubo, we believe in making a difference not only through our business operations but also by giving back to the community. One of our team members, Shane, who serves as Cubo’s Regional Operations Manager, exemplifies this commitment through his volunteer work with Bookmark Reading Charity. Shane dedicates his time to helping young children develop their reading skills by serving as an online volunteer reader.

To give others a glimpse into the rewarding experience of volunteering and how easy it can be, we sat down with Shane for a Q&A. In this conversation, Shane shares his journey as a volunteer reader, the joys of helping children discover the world of books, and how this simple act of giving time can have a profound impact. We hope Shane's insights inspire you to consider becoming a volunteer reader yourself and experience the fulfilment that comes with making a difference in a child’s life.

Q. What motivated you to start volunteering with Bookmark Charity and how did you get involved?

A. Once learning that more than 1 in 4 children leave primary school unable to read well was quite shocking, so if I could be a part of reducing that statistic, I was happy to help! I was first introduced to Bookmark when joining Cubo 6 months ago. Bookmark is Cubos chosen charity of 2024. Our aim is to get our Cubo members to be volunteers so it made sense for me to be a volunteer so I could talk to members about my experience.

Q. Can you describe a typical online reading session with the children?

A. The first 5 minutes we’ll do something fun like a wordsearch or painting on the interactive pad. We then start reading, so far Jungle Book has been our favourite book to read! 

Q. How has volunteering with Bookmark Charity impacted you personally and professionally?

A. As Cubo have allowed its staff to complete the 30-minute reading sessions within my working hours, this really helps if the days getting a little bit hectic, resets the day! I instantly feel a sense of achievement, it puts a real smile on my face! 

Q. What challenges have you faced while reading with children online, and how have you overcome them?

A. I'm not the greatest with technology, so to begin with there were a few tech issues (my side) but reaching out to the Bookmark team this very quickly got resolved!

Q. Can you share a memorable moment or success story from your time volunteering with Bookmark?

A. The greatest success from completing my first Bookmark Reading Session was the improvement in my child's confidence which was noticeable after each session!

Q. How does Cubo support your volunteering efforts, and how has this experience strengthened your connection to the company?

A. Allowing me to take 30 minutes out of my working day to complete the sessions took the pressure of 'finding the time' to help volunteer. Being relatively new to Cubo, it was a great first impression to the company!

Q. What advice would you give to fellow Cubo members who are considering volunteering with Bookmark Charity?

A. Do it! The sense of achievement you feel after each session as you start to see your time paying off in the quality of the reading and their confidence is fantastic! knowing you played a part in a child's future, priceless!

Q. How do you balance your work commitments at Cubo with your volunteer sessions?

A. The great thing about Bookmark Volunteering is you decide what time suits you! I know Friday afternoons are generally quiet with meetings, however if something does pop up you do have the option to reschedule.

Q. In what ways do you think volunteering with Bookmark has benefited the children you read with?

A. Confidence and their reading abilities from the first session to the last is so noticeable. 

Q. What are the main reasons you would recommend volunteering with Bookmark to other Cubo members?

A. The sense of personal achievement and doing something selfless to help somebody else! It might not seem like much, but these reading sessions make such a difference to these young children.

To become a Bookmark volunteer all it takes is one or two thirty-minute sessions weekly, reading stories and playing games with the same child aged between 5 and 10 years old, on Bookmark's secure online platform, during school hours, for 6 weeks. The best part...the online volunteering can fit around your schedule seamlessly and there's no need to travel. If you can't volunteer maybe you know someone who can?

For more information please see the Bookmark website:

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